Monday, November 23, 2009

New Artwork on Display

There is an exquisite new artistic offering on display here at my house in Richmond, Vermont -- a beautiful rug with an amazing design: me!

The rug is really incredible, with amazing detail. Ever since Ali got it hung in our TV room, I keep thinking I'm looking in the mirror whenever I see it. The rug was hooked by master artist Jill Aiken. She made it as an anniversary gift for my humans, but I think we all know she really meant it as a tribute to me, 2009's Most Valuable Yellow Dog.

It's quite an honor to be preserved for eternity on a rug. But I think I deserve it. Thanks Jill!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that's sooooo nice, Oscar! Looks so much like you. Your Jill human is the best hooker!! (You know what I mean.)