Dear Desperate, I have good news: I have seen three sure signs that it is Spring. 1) My human took the plow and the tire chains off his truck this morning. Granted, it was snowing while he did this, but he didn't seem to think it was going to accumulate. 2) He is no longer shouldering those long 2x4-looking things and heading to Stowe every day. Instead, he is sitting at his computer, writing. And you know what that means... lots of walks to the river for yours truly! (He really likes his breaks, it seems!) Finally, 3) That same human participated in the annual "Bring Your Dog To Work" day! Does it matter that nobody else ever participates? No! Does it matter that there is a strict rule prohibiting dogs from work? No! Because it's spring! Every year, it's the same thing. We work, then we hike up to the top of the ski area where all the lifts are closed. Then we ski down. The down part, is the hard part for me. My human can actually go pretty fast on those groomed ski trails -- faster than me, that's for sure. In the backcountry, I can keep up. The photo above is how tired I was on the way home. That was a lot of running.
I hope this answers your questions!
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