Dear Watcher,
I'm not going to make any excuses; I was a schmuck. I growled, I snarled, and I jumped the fence in our yard and ran away -- twice. I was the opposite of a gracious host.
But, hey, I'm telling you, this puppy wasn't the right fit. Or maybe I was jealous, I don't know. All my life I have heard the legends and lore of that beagle-god Hunter. And then in the front door waltzes this 6-pound black, brown, and white beagle-lab mix? I put my foot down and said no way. No beagle is going to come in here and take away my attention. Spoiled? Maybe. Bratty. Okay. But when you've played first fiddle as long as me, it's hard to give it up.
That puppy was a great dog, but not the right fit for us. Good luck, pupper. I know you'll find a forever home somewhere.
Feeling happy-but-not-overly-proud-of-my-behavior, Oscar
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