Here's what happened. My humans were those people who claimed that they would never baby-talk if they ever got a puppy (or those other things that you've seen people baby-talking to). Then, of course, they got me. I was so cute, next thing you knew every word you heard was baby-talk. And they trained me to go to the bathroom when I heard the words, "Go potty!" (An aside: if you don't think it was humiliating then, think of how I feel now -- a fully grown dog -- still being subjected to "Go potty!"
However, there's an upside to the story. Someone called them on the baby-talk... it was Mark's little sister Lisa. "What's with the baby-talk?" I believe were her words. I guess they figured they had already trained me -- that there was no turning back. But they've gotten ahold of themselves. It's all grown-up talk so far with this new puppy, and they seem especially business-like when it comes to doing her business. "Hurry up," is the code. And, so far, Gladys is hurrying.
From a dog who never hurries (unless there's food involved), Oscar
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