Monday, July 25, 2016

Dear Oscar, Where do you like to eat? -- Foodie

Like a fisherman who tries to cast his lure or fly into waters with high concentrations of fish, a dog trolls areas with a high probability of food occurrences. That's why, three times a day,  I like to position myself around the chair in the photo (see left). When this chair is occupied, it's almost too easy: food all but flies off the plate and into my mouth.

Sometimes I feel like I should be putting forth more effort; begging, whimpering, or even jumping up and down. But, without encouragement, occupants of this seat just throw food to the floor. So I have to wonder: why waste the effort?

That's where I like to get my between-mealtime snacks. Otherwise, it's two scoops of California Natural Lamb and Rice formula in my bowl two times daily.

Hope this helps. Your friend, Oscar

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