Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dear Oscar, What do you think of the bill before the New Jersey state legislature that would require dogs to wear seatbelts or be crated in the car? -- Car-Party-Pooper

Dear Pooper,

Preposterous! Me -- wear a seatbelt? You're kidding, right? Have you ever seen me in a car? I sit, I stand. I lie down, I scratch on the window. I let my ears flap in the wind, I lay down. Repeat. A seatbelt? Who comes up with these things!

When I first read your question, I admit it: I laughed until I cried. They must be a bunch of comedians down in New Jersey! I have to visit! However, if you're writing in about it, maybe they're for real. On second thought, maybe I better just steer clear.

Your friend, Oscar.

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