Dear Observer, As you may know, being the oldest sibling carries certain responsibilities. And I am pleased to report that I have been living up -- and maybe even exceeding -- all expectations. First off, many of my fans have asked how -- and if -- I like the new puppy. This puppy, Gladys, is the best thing that happened to this family since I arrived on the scene four years ago. We play all the time. Yes, I like her!
Meanwhile, I have been demonstrating how to behave like a good dog should. Which, loosely translated, means my humans brought us to dog school and haven't been letting me run free. Which I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss roaming the neighborhood, but what I don't miss is how disappointed Mark always acted when I got into the neighbor's trash or compost. And, besides, they have been clear that once they are done practicing everything we learned at school (ie I convince them that I will come when called) I'll be able to run free again.
And, I have to say, there are advantages to being the oldest. For example, I get to go running with my humans (meaning Mark, since Ali has been temporarily sidelined by an injured foot), while Gladys stays home. Puppies aren't allowed to run until they are a year old (and I hope she doesn't hold us up too much when she can go). Also, puppies sleep in their crate, while old dogs like me sleep upstairs in the human area -- even on the bed, if I feel like it. Finally, and most importantly, big old dogs get more dog food. Sorry little puppy. Maybe someday when you are 4 years-old and weigh 75 pounds, you'll get a cup-and-a-half per serving too -- instead of your measly two-thirds of a cup.
Although you won't be seeing me around the neighborhood like the old days, what you will see is a lot of dog ruckus around the homestead. We romp and play off and on all day. Then we sleep... and then we romp and play some more. Make no mistake -- having a puppy around makes for good times!
Your friend, Oscar
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