There are some general guidelines, of course. Puppies shouldn't run distances. The vet at Richmond Animal Hospital advised my owners against running with me until I was one. I remember being so angry when they left me behind! I took out many of my frustrations on an old foam couch (that we no longer have). It's also good to gradually work your dog up to longer distances, and once you do, you'd be surprised at how far we can go. My owners generally cap my running at 13 miles. I assure you, I can go more, but they don't let me.
Lastly, use your common sense. If your dog acts like s/he enjoys your runs, s/he probably does. If your dog appears to be lame or stiff, then, again, s/he is, and you should probably walk. If your dog is lame after a run, take some time off.
Most vets and dog trainers recommend running with a leash. I am solidly against this. However, my owners always run with me on the leash, and I admit that I'd have been hit by a car by now otherwise. Still, that doesn't mean I like it.
Running is good for dogs. It keeps us happy, healthy, and fit. But don't be fooled. We can outrun a two-legged person any day of the week.
Regards, Oscar
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