Tuesday, May 22, 2012

BULLETIN: Cat Goes Outside!

This just in.... Waffle the freeloading cat got up off his cat bed and moved someplace other than to his food dish! And rather than just scratch the furniture, he actually -- are you ready for this? -- went outside!

Waffle, who hasn't chased a mouse in at least 6 months (some believe longer), sleeps, eats... and not much more. In a recent vet visit, the doctor said he could stand a little more exercise and a few fewer meals. To his credit, it is possible that he roams the grounds out-of-doors at night; I wouldn't know. But I do sometimes hear the fwapping of the dog door when I roll over between dog-dreams. On the other hand, for all we know, that's just mice parading in and out while Waffle snoozes.

Anyway, nice to see you getting some fresh air, Waffle. Now why not try catching some mice, willya?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dear Oscar, Do you think I should work at Stowe next winter? I live in New Hampshire, where, not to brag or anything, but our mountains are much higher. At Stowe, though, the people are way cooler and they give you free lunch. I bet you can relate to the value of a free lunch. What do you recommend? -- Kae from Jackson

Dear Kae,

Well, you seem to have answered your own question. Let me refer you back to your own words: "Free Lunch." Hello... where's the confusion?

I should mention that I, most unfortunately, don't get much in the way of lunch; my humans feed me breakfast and dinner -- 2 cups of Cal Nat twice daily. I'm all about loyalty, but if I could find a situation where they threw in free lunch, well... I'd have some serious thinking to do!

Back to your question, though. You mention the mountains (I've done quite a bit of hiking in NH too and don't think you're bragging too much) and the people (I know some Stowe people, and I agree; they're cool). But I think you're missing what's really important here. Like, what about the dogs? In Vermont, you have me and Gladys (my impressionable little sister). You have my neighbors Lyle and Raven. Do you really have THAT in New Hampster?

I didn't think so.

Hope this helps! Your friend, Oscar

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear Oscar, I love the new format of your blog -- it looks sharp! One question, however. What about the cute puppy picture of you running through the grass that used to adorn the top? I miss that picture! -- Layout Lover

Dear Layout Lover,

Way to be a lover not a fighter! Regarding your question about the old blog photo, do you mean this one?

Ah, those were good times -- days filled with puppy play, running around in the grass, not a care in the world...

However, I'm a little more grown up now, and, although I don't let my behavior or exuberance reflect this, I feel that my blog layout should represent me as a dog of the 21st Century. So there you go -- glad you like it!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dear Oscar, In looking at your Facebook profile, I noticed that you have not listed any of the...

...institutions where you might have attended school. I find this odd, especially for a dog of your standing. Were you 'home schooled' perhaps or educated in the 'University of Hard Knocks'? In any case I'd recommend furthering your education as this will give you access to a much nicer class of humans and provides a key to financial independence.

Regards, Rick

Dear Regards Rick, I appreciate your feedback regarding my profile. The reason why I hadn't updated my profile is because, as a dog, I didn't know what a profile was. Obviously! At any rate, thanks for bringing this to my attention; I have brought my educational background up to date.

All future viewers will see that I not only completed the introductory "Think Like a Dog" course at the Animal Visions and April Frost Holistic Center for Dogs and People; I am also a proud graduate of "Think Like a Dog" Level II! As you can see, you are corresponding with a highly educated dog.

For more details about my experiences at school, click on Think Like a Dog Level I or Think Like a Dog Level II.

Meanwhile, it's great to be your FB friend. Maybe now you want to be just like me and are thinking about going for your Level I or II... If yes, be sure to tune into this blog often. I'm sure you'll find loads of good advice!

Your friend, Oscar