Here's the thing. Alison and Mark are always training for these big events. And here I run with them -- basically get them trained and ready to go. Do they say thank you? Do they bring me to the event?
The latest event that I wasn't allowed to attend was the PumpkinMan Triathlon in Maine. You think I didn't want to go swim in the pond and run the half-marathon with them? So they really didn't run at all the week before the race, and then they left me at home for like 4 days.
Meanwhile, there's more to the story. We went for a big hike last Saturday in Lincoln, Vermont. (Not Lincoln, Nebraska in case anyone is wondering.) Anyway, a mile into the hike, I caught a scent. I'd say it was a wild animal, but I can't even be sure. All I know is I got all excited and split. Mark and Alison were so worried! They actually walked back to the car looking for me! Like I would go to the car! Anyway, because of me we got to hike 13 miles instead of 10 (they should be thanking me!). However, on my little foray, I must have twisted my front leg. When I went to the group run the next day, I was limping all over the place, so I walked with my friend Todd who was pushing his baby Henry.
It was a little embarrassing to be stuck with the walkers, but I suppose it was for the best.
Hope this answers your question,
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