In the first 5K of his running career, Berkeley the beagle-lab mix pulled off an unbelievable 4th-place finish. The race was Phoebe's Phabulous Phive K in Williston, benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Nobody was sure how the Berk-meister was going to do, but he just trotted right along next to me! He stopped to inspect three or four culverts along the way (even I stopped at the last one, in which we both took brief but refreshing dips -- at which point the eventual second-place finisher passed us) and he also took a water at the one water station on the course.
We most certainly would have tied for third place had Berkeley not decided to stop down the stretch to sniff a spectating dachsund. All the same, it was an amazing race with an incredible performance by a first-time finisher. (photo: the 1980 NBA Rookie of the Year)
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