Berkeley comes with me on all walks to the river (although he didn't join me swimming all the way across yesterday -- see photo below), he's available to romp and generally create dog-ruckus anytime, and I even slept on his dog-bed for awhile last night! One thing I noticed about Berkeley when he first arrived was that he is sort of a finicky eater; unlike me, he takes his time with his food. While he has gotten much more decisive about his eating habits since then, he still isn't as fast as me. I think it's unfair that, after I eat my almost-2 cups of food, I have to watch him while he finishes his 1 cup. Also, he hasn't had as much extensive running experience as me, but he still has stamina! Yesterday, we took him on our 5-miler. We went back and forth on our road so that we could bring him home if he showed any signs of exhaustion or lameness. But he kept right up no problem, and then we romped some more when we got home!
This is the best addition to our household since Waffle the cat!

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