Please, not all at once; I'll answer your questions one at a time...
-- Yes, I ran the automatic window down with my paw.
-- Yes, I voluntarily jumped out my own window.
-- Yes, I rolled rear-end over teakettle when I hit the pavement.
-- No, I was not seriously injured, other than a couple of scratches.
-- Yes, it scared me and yes, I ran into the woods and eventually several miles down to someone's camp on the OTHER side of Route 2 (the crossing of which was probably even more dangerous than jumping out the window)
-- Yes, I played with the kids at this camp for over an hour while Mark and Ali searched the bogs, swamps, and poisen ivy patches of North Hero, figuring I was dead.
-- Yes, the guy whose camp I landed at found Mark and Ali's phone number on my dog tags, and yes, the guy's brother plays hockey with Mark on Monday nights!
-- No, I don't know what I was thinking.
-- No, I don't plan on repeating the stunt. Even if I did, I doubt my humans will ever let me sit next to another open window.
THANK YOU: to Matt Tomberg and Kate and Ian Thurston for searching the roads for me when they heard about my accident. Also to Mary for her great guidance to my owner and to Frank and my good friend Fanny who joined the search IMMEDIATELY upon hearing about my situation.
I think most people would have advised against such a stunt. But sometimes a dog just wants to try to figure things out for himself.
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