But seriously, my human calls himself a writer, and he has his own blog (click here to see the blog). And you're right, not a single post in two months! What is up with that? Here he is -- a professional writer, published in magazines and newspapers all over the country. But not a post since early October. Pathetic, if you ask me.
What, you say? Why haven't I posted in the same amount of time? People, please. I am a dog, for goodness sakes! A labrador retriever! What did you expect? Aren't you just impressed that I taught myself to log onto a computer and type?
For those of you that do follow my running log, I did run in the months of November and December -- a fair amount, in fact. I will try to get those distances up there this week. And, fine, I'll get some posts up too. But remember, it's the rare dog that writes. If anyone should be referred to as "slacking" for the lack of recent posts on his blog, it's not me. It's my human.
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