Don't get me wrong; I haven't been complaining about the sunny 50-degree days we've been enjoying. There are lots of interesting smells out there when it's like this. My main complaint is that, during hunting season, my humans restrict some of my walks, I rarely get to run around in the woods, and I have to wear that silly orange vest.
But hunting season is mostly over, and we have woken up to fresh new snow pretty much every day this week! I may be 3 years old (and wise beyond my years, if I do say so myself), but you better believe I've been showing off my best puppy-prance everytime I stick my nose in the fluff. This dog's tail is wagging!
I just can't wait to start hiking the mountains and skiing the backcountry. I know that's a ways off (we'll need more snow), but I'm still excited. I am a dog that loves winter. I remember my first hike in the snow. I had just arrived from my birthplace of Virginia, my pads were soft and tender, and the March corn snow cut my pads. But I'm a little more grown up now... and tougher. So let's celebrate everyone... it's winter!
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