They brought me with them!!!
Not Scout, not Waffle, not anyone else. Just me! Isn't that the best???
We went down to Cape Cod. Mark went ahead, some sort of writers' conference or something. Ali and I came a few days later in the blue Honda. She had that thing loaded with bikes, beach stuff, running stuff, dog stuff. There was barely room for me in the back!
Anyway, I was on my best behavior on the way down, and when we got there, wouldn't you know it? We stayed with my good friend Andy the Aeredale! Andy and I played and romped pretty much for 72 straight hours. I think we paused to sleep and eat. Meanwhile, I got to visit the ocean (wow those waves were big, and wow, did that water not taste good), run on the beach (on my leash), play in the yard... yup, that's about it. Can you imagine a better vacation?
Mark and Ali, meanwhile, swam in a beautiful pond (no dogs allowed, which was too bad, but Andy and I occupied ourselves by standing by the fence and barking while they were gone) and went on and on about how great all the food was.
I highly recommend Cape Cod. Lots of trails, the ocean, the beach... and good friends to visit. My humans are already talking about the Caribbean. I can't wait!