Awhile back, in an attempt to slow down my dogfood inhalation at mealtimes, my owners tried giving me sliced carrots with dinner. It didn't work; I wolfed down my food just as quickly as ever, and usually just swalled the carrots whole. They also tried broccoli, spinach, and squash, but to no avail. Nothing slowed me down. I love my breakfast and dinner!
Lately, though, Mark has been experimenting with a new approach. He has been grating up carrots with a shredder and putting a pile of shredded carrot on the middle of my food dish. I have to admit, the first time he did this, it threw me for a loop. I was like, what is this? Sometimes I try to eat around the carrot, which, I guess, does slow me down some, and amuses the heck out of Mark. That's probably what slows me down the most; it's weird, I tell you, being watched while I eat, you know? What's the big deal? I still like the carrot, of course (I have yet to try anything I don't like), but sometimes I like to eat the dogfood first and then inhale the carrot.