Meanwhile, I know my human had other concerns. He hasn't been satisfied with our progress since Level 1. Notice I didn't say "my" progress. That is because Mark believes that any achievement (or under-achievement) on my part is due in part to his abilities (or lack of abilities) as a dog trainer. If I don't come when I'm not on a leash, he thinks it's because his actions have shown me that I can get away with not coming when I'm not on my leash.
Which I can! So what were they going to do about it?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure Mark was worried they were going to send us back to Level 1. It turns out he had nothing to worry about. I have to say, once I get to school, my attitude changes. I find myself wanting to please everyone. We did an agility course where the owners have to get their dogs to go through a tunnel. I didn't want to at first, but once I did it once, I got a big kick about doing it over and over. I was one proud dog! Meanwhile, Mark asked straight up how to transform me into a dog who comes. April, the dog trainer, showed him how to use a long line (NOT a retractable leash, she emphasized) to train me. And I have to say, we've been on it this week since class. It's kind of cool because I can still run around a little bit (nothing like I usually do, of course), but the human still has control of his dog to make whatever corrections he wants. The weird part is I find myself wanting to be a good dog.! Like I said... it's very strange.
Meanwhile, up at school, Alison and Gladys were a team. While I walked around proudly acing all the tests and challenges, Gladys was the best "comer" in the group. Gee whiz, puppy, it's just a piece of cheese, for goodness sakes! It's not like they're giving you a steak. Get ahold of yourself!
Bottom line: Level 2 was a good time for everyone involved. So watch out -- I may become a well-behaved dog yet.