I honestly don’t know, do you think I’m tan?
What I do know is that I have been living the life up here at the Aiken family camp on Lake Champlain. Hanging out all day on the deck, except when I get a little warm, then I amble down to the water and cool the old dog-temp back down. It’s great!
Although our extended time here is just about over, it is just refreshing to spend time next to the lake. Take Scout the cat, for example. At 14 years-old, he takes it easy ordinarily, often spending whole days in the basement. Up here, though, he’s like a cat who has recharged and rejuvenated himself by the sea! Socializing, mingling, wandering, napping, lazing right out in the open… he is rivaling me for out-and-out gregariousness.
Okay, that may be an exaggeration; I guess I win the gregarious department. As for your question, I have never concerned myself about too much sun. I mean, heck, I don't even own sunglasses! That said, I do seek shade and shelter on hot days. But that is probably more the result of the real issue: overheating. That’s something a dog needs to stay on top of, especially a runner like me. We generally do all of our summer running in the morning and we follow up with plenty of swimming.
And, take it from me, if you’re going to be running in the summertime, here at Camp is the place to do it.
Your friend, Oscar